Friday, January 29, 2010

HAITI and the memories that it brought back.

I was around 6 years old when the 1990 Baguio Earthquake struck.
I don't have much details in my memory. I just remember being cold and afraid.
I remember my mom
hugging me and my sister close to her side while she was carrying my brother (he was still a baby then). I remember that I was not wearing any slippers and that my feet were so cold. I remember the rain, but my young mind was wondering why the droplets seemed liked small stones landing on my feet.

I remember sleeping under a big tent together with the other children and their Mamas and their Papas. It was like a slumber party only it was not much fun because everyone seemed so afraid. When I got older, I
realized that my family was one of the lucky ones because we did not end up homeless. Luckier still because we all survived.

All these memories came flashing back when the Haiti Tragedy struck.

I feel for the children.
I know how it's like to wonder if everything will be ok again.

This post is to officially help make everyone aw
are that there are a lot of Haiti locals right now that are in need of our help. They need food, medicine, water and clothing.
If there's anyway that we could help, let's reach out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

1st Entry for 2010

I realized that I had one entry for the year 2009 and that was it.
Parang feeling ko tuloy... napaka-uneventful ng buhay ko ng taong 2009.

That is not true though. I finally got approved for the OMTT role last July 2009. It was also my 1st time to ride on board a plane and be on a place outside of Luzon - Bohol. Oh, and of course, I also won another award, Top Coach for 1st Quarter of 2009.

All in all, I still can't help but feel that my journey last year was one big struggle. It was like... being there... but watching myself from afar at the same time.

Hanep na description ba?

Hehehe. But this year, i want to make it different. I want to make sure that something explosive will happen that will mark a milestone in my life.
