"My brother, I Morgan, is your loyal subject. I will support you on your quest to join the kingdom..."
As I watch the drama of Camelot unfold in my 24 inch TV (naks), I get to imagine things like: What is life outside of a call center? What else can I do before I reached an age too late to explore "what if"?
I know that it seemed like the line from the Camelot series has nothing to do with my questions. But I would say that there is. The words that Morgan said echoes through my head... well, not exactly in the same dramatic words but...you know, the same sense.
I feel trapped where I am right now. I feel obligated to stay because of loyalty. URK.
But maybe I am just sleep deprived... thus these useless musings.
After 9 months since my last post, here I am again, checking on old posts, reading comments that I have failed to read when it was still fresh (thus I also failed to respond to catty remarks...urk!), reliving the fantasy of being the most famous blogger...blah blah blah.
It has been a busy busy busy life so far.
Don't get me wrong... it has been fruitful one. I am now earning 50k a month because I have been so busy getting my self up in the corporate ladder. But sometimes, I cannot help but think... is this everything? Am I going to spend the rest of my life enslaved to the demands of the call center that I am working for?
I looked out of the window and contemplated on these questions 5 minutes ago.
It hit me then...
No. I will not be satisfied by 13 hours a day sitting in an office surrounded by people who do not know what they are doing half of the time. I can do something else. I can...sell USANA Products.
YES! I can have more income by investing on health products!
Here are a couple of products that I am currently endorsing:
ESSENTIALS, POLY C, PROFLAVANOL, BIO OMEGA, COQUINONE, ACTIVE CALCUIM PLUS ... all manufactured to cater to promote better health for adults.
SENSE beauty products. It includes facial cream, toner, whitening agents, anti-aging creams and other personal care products that are el-natural.
Wakoko....surprised? I rarely engage in advertising products that I do not trust and personally use. I know that this post is completely unlike any other posts that I have done before thus, all the more that you should trust it.
They are completely safe and they are very potent. They are a bit pricey but they are worth it since the effects ARE IMMEDIATE!
You can order them via this link: http://www.facebook.com/xielovi
Signing off for the mean time...