Sunday, September 25, 2011

Musings of a sleep deprived soul...

"My brother, I Morgan, is your loyal subject. I will support you on your quest to join the kingdom..."

As I watch the drama of Camelot unfold in my 24 inch TV (naks), I get to imagine things like: What is life outside of a call center? What else can I do before I reached an age too late to explore "what if"? 

I know that it seemed like the line from the Camelot series has nothing to do with my questions. But I would say that there is. The words that Morgan said echoes through my head... well, not exactly in the same dramatic words know, the same sense. 
 I feel trapped where I am right now. I feel obligated to stay because of loyalty. URK.

But maybe I am just sleep deprived... thus these useless musings. 

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